Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Long and Winding Road

The Beatles' song captures the situation. Now eight years and counting, the swing is improving, slowly, making me think often of the "10,000 Hour" rule. So, if the swing is ever going to happen, it might be sometime in the next two years. If it doesn't happen then, I should just retire and go back to tennis.

I haven't written in a long time, for two reasons. First, my employment situation improved, and second, the swing has been changing daily. A good thing, considering that I've been practicing like a maniac for six months. And it's been only in the last few weeks that I've felt that I'm on to something good. My practice has been mostly in the back yard, using plastic balls and Callaway practice balls and Almost Golf balls, hitting with a sand wedge and a nine-iron. This short game practice has returned generous rewards. When I go to the range (maybe once a week) for a "reality check," the results don't feel or look as great as they do in my own back yard, but I can see improvement.

Here are a couple of clips from my practice at the range today. You'll notice some good things and some things that I still need to address, but, in general, you'll see a better swing than I used to show here. Don't miss the woodchuck scurrying across the range as I get ready to hit my first shot. I never noticed him until I started editing the video. Obviously, he's learned that he's safer on the fairway than any place else. I've noticed that at Mohansic, my regular course, where deer feel perfectly safe out on the fairway, a target that golfers like me rarely hit.

The first shot, and the best, is a wedge. Everything looks pretty good here. In the next shots, you can see I'm trying to hit the ball. The swings don't look terrible--they're a big improvement over the way I used to "swing," but they're still rushed and incomplete in the follow-through.

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