Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Release: Split-Screen

This video shows what a difference a day makes. I've taken a clip of my swing yesterday, when I was just starting to understand opening up the left arm at release and compared it to a swing from today. Both days, I felt I was hitting the ball really well, much farther than ever before and with reasonable accuracy, peppering the high branches of that maple tree.

In the split-screen, you'll see a visible difference between the two swings. Yesterday's is quicker and shorter and more muscular. Today's is more relaxed, unhurried, and longer. It's starting to look like an efficient swing that I can repeat (we'll see about that tomorrow) and that gives me the distance and accuracy that I want.

1 comment:

A Lagging Indicator said...

Right. Hands high at the end tell you how well you've relaxed at the point of impact . . . Hands lower at the end tells you there was tension. . .in the latter case, you were--to some extent, depending how far the ball travels--swinging the club instead of merely providing an efficient platform for the club to swing itself. . .. In the former you provided a platform and a relaxed connection between the platform and the striking device. Result? A much longer, straighter ball. . ..

When you can think about the hip turn ("quick hips") and "finish high," everything in between works itself out.

At least that's what I found the one or two times I did that in my 30 year golf career.
